Security and

Secure payment handling
Protecting cardholder data is one of the biggest concerns for organisations who take debit and credit card payments.
At Yakara our services are certified at the highest level of Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) Level 1 v3.2.1. We achieved this accreditation in 2016 and have maintained it ever since.
Yakara’s core services are compliant with PCI DSS Level 1 and we are regularly audited by a certified third party to ensure the protective measure and controls we have applied are effective and suitable to ensure the data in our care is protected.

Security is our number one priority
At Yakara, we are committed to a culture of security and continuous improvement to our core business, processes and our team. The organisation adheres to industry best practice and keeps up to date with rising and emerging security threats. Yakara staff undergo training in the security awareness programme and on how to handle personal data appropriately. The organisation complies with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 2018 and the GDPR 2016. Yakara systems and processes are regularly reviewed to ensure the data in the care of the organisation is both managed and protected appropriately.
Customers can trust Yakara to provide a secure and efficient service.